‘SANGWON’ FRP Panel Type Water Tank

The advantage of this modular type water tank is its capability of matching the required tank capacity even at a most constrains area. It’s also has high reliability and versatility whilst having low maintenance cost and easy to assemble. Whether it is on an elevated structure, on the ground, domestic and even on rooftops of a high rise building the GRPpanel tank has been specified by most architects and engineers nowadays. ‘SANGWON’ has already passed the requirement of SS245 under PSB testing.

The Manufacturer

One of the leading manufacturer’s of GRP sectional panel water storage tank in Korea. Due to its continuous research and development program, it has manages to put itself ahead by producing excellent product, prompt service and competitively priced. In the domestic market ‘SANGWON’ Tank is already known for its superb quality. The panel is manufactured by SMC (Sheet moulding compound) hot pressed. SANGWON is also the proud manufacturer of the SMC material in which some of the GRPpanel manufacturer have to buy the SMC raw material from them.